
Hemorrhoids Treatment

Hemorrhoids Treatment

Piles problem in adults is common, but not many are willing to talk about bowel problems caused by it in connection with the private parts.

However, when some friends who are already undergoing treatment or surgery to deal with it then nobody dared to open his mouth and admit they also have it.

This problem has been happening since time immemorial, but now it is more frequently spoken of as a lifestyle change.

According Consultant Laparoscopic and Colorectal Surgeon, Prince Court Medical Centre (PCMC), Datuk Dr Yunus Alif Gul Gul, piles problem that occurs in the early stages do not cause pain.

However, the excess piles protruding from the anus will be felt when the individual concerned to clean the anus.

"Usually people who have a problem will have symptoms of bleeding hemorrhoids, but some are not faced with any problem.

"If the bleeding lasts, seek early treatment to detect the real problems to avoid harm at a later date," he said.