Munggai / Kelor Plants Anti-Agingb
Previously many know of kelor or called munggai in northern areas is used in cooking because it has a nice and easy to obtain. In addition to fruit, leaves also liked to make vegetables and tasty if cooked in fat.
However, the rapid development of biotechnology in plants that also causes the scientific name Moringa Olifela now commercialized as leaves, fruits, stems and roots can be processed to produce a variety of products such as tea, oil, salad, shampoo, soap, juices and cosmetics.
Kelor tree believed to have originated, and the area around the Himalayas and India and spread to Africa, Southeast Asia and West Asia. In several African countries, including Ethiopia, Sudan, Madagascar, Somalia, and Kenya, as well as Saudi Arabia and Israel be made to the program crops dry and arid land restoration.
This is due to the nature of the plants are easy to grow in arid land in addition to durable. In Southeast Asia, the branch kelor usually planted as fence posts because it is easy to grow, as well as leaves and fruit may be eaten. The tree can grow up to a height of 10 meters, the leaves are small, fragile stem and the fruit of my thumb and up to 60 centimeters in length.
Despite the benefits of Moringa is known and used as a traditional herb by native tribes in several countries, but the potential benefits of this plant just starting to get the attention of modern scientists at the end of the 19th century.
Knowledge of the use of Moringa by native tribes recorded in 80 countries in over 200 languages. Despite its value and has long been recognized medical terms, it is still not widely available, especially in modern society.
The plant contains a unique compound known as cytokini which scientific studies and clinical find it very appropriate to accelerate growth. Moreover cytokini test on animals have animals given a diet containing it can increase milk production, as well as accelerate the healing or replacement of damaged cells.
Recognizing kelor has many benefits for the health of the body, a local syanikat, FM Alliance Marketing Sdn Bhd based in Jitra strides to commercialize plant menghasihkan Different product.
Marketing and promotion manager, Abdul Hadi Ismail, said the clinical study found cytokini also contains anti sickness or penunaan, allowing it to be material ageless pehbagai or treat disease. He said, even though its roots bitter, it is very effective to help the digestive system, intestinal parasite deworming, overcoming constipation, soothe the nervous system and build peace and increase sexual energy.
"In addition, it is also often used to treat paralysis, fever, cough, runny nose, inflamed breath vessel, lung, epilepsy and hysteria. Leaves are also useful to cure scurvy (bleeding gums), anemia (lack of red blood cells) , balance and restore the body's systems function. fact or kelor Moringa is rich in vitamins B, B1, B2, B3, C, D, E, antioxidant, fiber and a high source of chlorophyll., that provides the highest chlorophyll content in the records of a plant known since the beginning of human civilization, "he told News Week, recently.
Abdul Hadi said, it also contains beta-sitosterol compounds with the potential to lower blood pressure in the body where it is widely used to treat high blood pressure in India.
He said the plant has high medicinal value because it is free of toxins or other toxic not have a long history in the field of Ayurveda in the Indian community.
"Record 300 Ayurveda identify suitable ingredients of Moringa adopted to overcome and treat various diseases. Dilution nutrients and accelerate the adoption of green juice Moringa body's biological and nutrient solution that is 100 percent of biochemistry allows the body to use directly without digestion," he said.