
Rich People Prefer Facebook From Twitter

Rich People Prefer Facebook From Twitter

A survey done to know which social networks are most frequently used by the billionaire. Facebook be the first, followed by LinkedIn and Twitter.

Survey held Spectrem group followed by 1 300 billionaire with diverse backgrounds, ages and home. They are all registered with assets of at least USD 1 million or equivalent to Rp 11, 5 billion.

Finally, 57% of correspondents admit more like using Facebook, 41% use LinkedIn, and only 10% are loyal only to Twitter.

"Rich people do social media with the same intensity with those who are not rich," said George Walper, President Spectrem as taken from CNBC on Wednesday (23 // 2014).

Not just a matter of intensity. Turned some social media billionaire wear the same with other wearers, they like photo sharing child, events vacation time, and find interesting info to them.

In terms of age, Facebook is obviously very well-liked by billionaire aged 65 th. above or 35 th. down. Moment for the younger age generally prefer to use Twitter.

In general, the number of billionaire who wears social media to increase, but not the least is that considered it using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and the like just to spend time and have the potential to reveal privacy.