
Future technologies rely Mouse Sensor

Future technologies rely Mouse Sensor

Initially popular with the support cable mouse to move the cursor on the computer monitor. Then POSITION wireless or wireless available, it is very likely no cable operated mouse cursor.

Recently, researchers improve thimble or 'thimble' clever that will convert a conventional computer mouse. Devices tested try this innovative look at the Linux-based PC.

Thimble called 3D Touch, this tool is imposed on the wearer's finger to control the mouse on the monitor. Users simply sliding a finger left to organize the cursor.

This tool will bring POSITION sensors such as accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope. Users can move the fingers in front of a PC monitor, operate similar tablet touch monitor.

There is a button between the index finger and thumb, that contribute to the standard button click left. This prototype is made by the researcher Anh Nguyen and Amy Banic from the University of Wyoming, United States.