
Junk Food Danger Body

Junk Food Danger Body

No doubt, teenagers especially very fond of junk food or known as 'junk food'.

junk food

Have you ever wondered why it is so named? the term 'junk' itself actually means 'surplus' and 'useless'.

In fact, snacks such as chips, potato chips, candy and other junk food wrapped in plastic is not good for health especially at your young age.

It is true, these snacks are actually giving addiction in teenagers because it is tasty, easily available and cheap. But in reality, most of these products do not provide any benefit and also important nutrients for the body.

Continuous intake of these foods can affect your health and also prevent you to achieve the goals in the daily diet. The authors believe this product is addictive cravings but if you look at the impact on health, think again.

Cause body fatigue - Although junk food and fast food can satiate the stomach, but this product is the lack of nutrients such as protein and carbohydrates that works to make your body energized and healthy. If you take this product every time hunger, you may be tired. These foods reduce the energy in the body and at one stage prevents you from doing daily tasks effectively.

Depression - teens growth phase their bodies experience many hormonal changes. For example, they are vulnerable to changes in mood and behavior. Balanced diet plays an important role to stabilize the hormonal changes. Because of the lack of nutrients in the snacks, the possibility of teenagers suffer from depression will increase 58 percent.

Disturb digestion - Teenagers who are addicted to fatty snacks will face digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome disease. This is because the snacks are mostly fried and oil contained in the product is assembled in the stomach causing 'acidity'. This led to the erosion of the lining of the stomach because the content is too hot and lack of fiber essential for proper digestion.

Unstable blood sugar levels - Snacks high in sugar actually causes your metabolism at the level of danger. Sugar causes the pancreas to secrete more insulin to avoid the drastic increase in blood sugar levels. Because junk food does not have enough nutrients, blood sugar levels will drop suddenly after eating. It makes you irritable and increase your addiction to junk food.

Dangerous heart - these sugary products raise cholesterol levels of the main factors that contribute to heart disease. In addition, the fat that accumulates in the body causing you to become more obese. More weight gain, higher risk of heart disease.

The risk of kidney disease - Believe it or not, fries and chips commonly found in restaurant franchise contains a high amount of salt promotes the secretion of saliva and enzymes that boost your addiction. High fat content is not good, and sodium from salt increases blood pressure and affect kidney function.

Prevents a balanced diet - junk food addiction may prevent you from doing well balanced diet. Effective diet requires intake of foods high in protein and carbohydrates, but high in sugar addiction on products that can interfere with your diet.