
Fruit Petai Can Prevent Stroke

Fruit Petai Can Prevent Stroke

Petai is a plant native to tropical countries like Malaysia and Indonesia with the latin name parkia speciosa.

Fruit Petai Can Prevent Stroke 

Petai fruit can be used as a side dish for an appetite that benefit the health of the body even though the smell was quite strong.

Petai contains sucrose, fructose and glucose to produce energy for the body naturally. It also contains a variety of nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin and mineral.

In addition to helping reduce the problem of anemia, it is also good for the eyes, prevent stroke and digestion system.

In a study done shows that the practice of eating petai regularly can reduce the 40 percent risk of having a stroke.

Cool off with a bowl of fluffy

Ever heard of a lot of fluffy bowl mixed in drinks or ice plus lai chi kang?

Flower fruit bowl or scientific name scaphium longiflorum is a plant in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.

The fruit is popular because its texture is soft like jelly. In Malay traditional medicine, fluffy bowl used to reduce body heat.

This is because the content in the fruit is healthy and able to relieve fever.

Soaked fruit bowl until fluffy rupture and produce clear, brown water. Potable water and the fruit can be eaten to cool the body.

It can be used with basil seeds and rubber vine that has the same effect.