
Check Your Credit Card After Use

Johan dealing with credit card fraud when he was a restaurant. After the meal, he asked for the bill and when the bill arrived, he gave the credit card to the server for a fee. A few minutes, the waitress returned with the credit card receipt to be signed.

Johan signed receipts and store cards as well as copies of receipts in your wallet. However, he checked the credit card before storing it and realized that the card was not hers, even though the same bank, but given the card has expired.

Almost immediately, he told of the problem, and the waiter took the card and convert it to a real card at the payment counter. This event can be a lesson to Johan; the importance of checking the credit card every time out from making a payment, even if only a few seconds.

The story above is a common approach to credit card fraud. However, there are thousands of cases of credit card fraud that occurred in various other ways.

Some victims of fraud to report the cashier tried to take pictures surreptitiously credit card using a smartphone, there are also attempting to clone their credit card at the time. For credit card users are advised to remain vigilant and check that the card is always together and nothing happens to the card.

In June of last year, a hairdresser facing RM200,000 debt due to credit card fraud. According to Michael Chong, head of the Department of MCA Public Complaints and Services, he received 13 cases of credit card fraud last year with the loss of up to RM662,000.

The Bank seeks to curb credit card fraud, almost all credit cards issued replaced with chip cards and point of sale terminals have also been upgraded.

Therefore, credit card users are encouraged to remain vigilant and cautious with credit cards and transactions that do. Credit card users are advised to cultivate the habit of a good credit card to avoid fraud.

Habits become a smart credit card user is:

1 Treat your card like money. Use sparingly to avoid paying the high interest.

2 Save card numbers. Do not copy and share it with anyone or allow people to take a picture of your card.

3.Turunkan signature on the back of the card using a permanent pen.
Cut your old credit card when it has expired.

4 Check out and pay attention when it is returned by the cashier and make sure that it is yours and it does not dimanupilasi in any way.

5 Keep the receipt so you can review it.

6 Notify the credit card issuer immediately if there is a transaction that is not known to exist in your statement.

7 Keep statements in a safe place.

8 Tell the credit card issuer of any change of address.

9 Inform your bank immediately if you lose the card.

10. Make online transactions with the company website has security features.

11 Avoid replying to emails, messages or phone calls that ask for credit card information.

If you suspect have been the victim of credit card fraud, things you need to do is contact the bank (card issuer) to cancel the card immediately. Then, the next step to make a police report.

Bank Negara Malaysia has set out in Clause 13.2, the Bank Credit Card Guide that users do not have to pay more than RM250, for fraudulent transactions made ​​using their card has been lost or stolen.

The card holder must present evidence that non-owners who commit fraud and was promptly inform the bank about a lost or stolen card as soon as possible. Therefore, it is important to check the card holder card is not lost or stolen.