Oppo Introducing the PM-1
Oppo Introducing the PM-1, Super Premium Headset.
After launching a teaser about the best audio quality & high-quality, Oppo finally introduce PM-1, a super-premium headset. Really premium, because according to Deddy Corbuzier chirp, celebrity brand ambassador called Oppo, its price will exceed 1500 dollars.
PM itself is an abbreviation of Planar Magnetic Headphones. Tone on this headphone is produced by the diaphragm two terms that are easy and not thick, all moving surfaces. The diaphragm and push and pull drivers symmetrically. System magnetically and conductors have also been maximized for optimal sensitivity and persistence.
Thus diafragmanya has two sides, Oppo embedding magnetic conductor using more and more, to minimize the passive restoration zone where the conductor does not work. Using other words, more effective, and the voice quality is not affected by the output impedance of the headphone amplifier. Oppo voice claiming to be really natural, really sensitive, in a simple packet headphones. Not yet known when the headphones are more expensive than duck motorcycle is set in sliding.