
Kaspersky Virus Detection Android & iOS

Kaspersky Virus Detection Android & iOS

Kaspersky Lab melaunching new research report that mapped the massive international infrastructure that is used to control the implant malware 'Remote Control System (RCS), and identifies the mobile Trojans are not in the know who can attack Android and iOS.

Module that is the side of so-called spyware tools 'legal', ie Galileo RCS in other words, that the developed by the Italian firm, Hacking Team.

Sign sacrifice in the above research, the work of the Kaspersky Lab in unison using the Citizen Lab, countless activists and human rights defenders, journalists and politicians.

Kaspersky Lab has been doing a variety of security are not the same approach to find the command and control server (C & C) Galileo in all the world.

For identification systems, some experts Kaspersky Lab memercayakan special indicators and data connectivity obtained using reverse engineering (reverse engineering) samples available.

In the latest analysis, some researchers claimed Kaspersky Lab can map the presence of growing more than 320 C & C server RCS in getting more than 40 countries. Most of the servers are in the United States, Kazakhstan, Ecuador, the United Kingdom and Canada.

Regarding the new findings, Sergey Golovanov, Principal Security Researcher, Kaspersky Lab, quotes and behold keberadaaan this server in one country does not mean they are worn by law enforcement in the country.

"But it makes sense for some wearers RCS to operate the C & C server in a location that they control - because the place is a question of law between countries as well as the risks small server seizure," he said.

Hp implants RCS

Although at first was known Trojans to behold mobile iOS and Android Hacking Team certainly have, at first no truly able to identify, or to know their application in the attack.

Some experts have already learned Kaspersky Lab malware RCS over two th .. Early th. they can identify specific sample from the same mobile module uses configuration profile RCS other malware in their collections.

In the latest research, a new variant of samples obtained from the victim through a network of cloud KSN Kaspersky Lab. Beyond that, some experts Kaspersky Lab is also working with Morgan Marquis-Boire use of the Citizen Lab, which studied a collection of malware HackingTeam extensive way.

Explained, the mastermind behind Galileo RCS-up specifically for the purpose of implants at risk for sure. Thus the sample is completed, the attacker kirimnya to mobile Devices sacrifice.

Most of the known vector penginfeksian countless late spearphishing social engineering, which is often combined using exploits, zero-day exploitation calculated, as well as local penginfeksian via the USB cable when syncing mobile Devices.