
Important part of the car should be treated

Many car care guide can be obtained via the Internet, car dealers, insurance agents and the Automobile Association of Malaysia (AAM).
The key components that should be considered are the engine, drive shaft, belt, wheel alignment and balancing, heat ventilation, clutch, steering, transmission systems and fuel systems.

Check all connections and components every 10,000 km. Check the steering oil level every week.

Check penghaus conditioning systems, rubber channels, connectors and leaks in cooling system every 20,000 km.

Check to make sure the system cluth 'free plug' thirst for use every 5,000 km.

System transmission / gearbox
Check the condition / level of oil for every 10,000 km. Change the oil every 40,000 km. Pembakaraan system / oil, carburetor needs cleaned and serviced every 20,000 km. Check the oil pump and the leak for every 20,000 km.

Tire pressure
Should be checked every 5,000 miles. Balanced, and switch-over tires every 10,000 km. Level differences. Check for leaks, cracks and level of oil every 10,000 km. Change the oil every 40,000 km.

Check the suspension system, the bottom, mounting heavy punch, connecting the ball loose, leaks and wear every 20,000 km.

Drive shafts / propeller shaft
Check the connectors are not tight and increasingly thirsty for every 10,000 km.

electrical systems
Check the electrical connector, swith, lights, hoses, wiper systems, charges, perjalannan for every 10,000 km. Check peyambung electricity, swith, lights, hoses, wiper systems, charge, trip for every 10,000 km.

Timing / drive belt
Changed for every 70,000 miles or four years, whichever is earlier. Check the 'belt' air conditioning, power steering and other every 5,000 km.

- Engines 'tune up' for every 10,000 km
- Test pressure (compression) every 40,000 km
- Change the lubricant for every 5,000 km
- Change the lube oil filter for every 10,000 km
- Change the air filter / oil for every 40,000 km
- Change the spark plugs every 20,000 km for
- Change the 'contact point' every 10,000 km

Radiator / cooling system
Check the coolant level regularly and pipelines. Clean and replace the coolant for every 40,000 km. Encouraged to use `coolant to ensure the engine is not too hot and too fast to form rust.

exhaust system
Check for leaks / rust for every 10,000 km, while balancing the tire / alignment done for all four tires every 10,000 km or six months, whichever is earlier.