
Immune System: Our Health Protection

imunSistem immune system protects us from foreign invaders such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, foreign proteins and cells. It is a very sophisticated system, awards, Most Gracious, that is the best protection from any harmful diseases. There is no medication that can match a healthy immune system. In short, the immune system is made up of special cells, proteins, tissues and organs (lymph nodes, respiratory system, liver, skin, appendix, stomach and intestines). In this article I will explain a little about the work of several players in the immune system:

Macrophages (or phagocytes) - white blood cells that are shaped like Pac-Man, is the first line of defense of the immune system. It quickly attack any foreign invader and swallow it (like in the video game Pac-Man). But sometimes macrophages are not sure whether the coming foreign invaders or friends. Macrophages certainly do not want to destroy something that is part of our body. To help identify friend or foe, will seek the assistance of macrophages T-helper cells.

T-helper cell is from a group of white blood cells known as lymphocytes. T-helper cells will come and attach themselves to the macrophages to help macrophages recognize whether it is in the grip of a friend or an enemy. If the T-helper cell decides it is an enemy, it will produce a hormone known as sitokines, which signals the immune system to respond quickly. This stimulates B-cells to respond to and attract more macrophages and T-helper cells to come rescue. If the T-helper cells do not recognize foreign invaders, the immune system will regard it as a friend and leave. Imagine what would happen. Yes, we will get a disease caused by an intruder (micro-organisms) is.

B-cells have the ability to shoot intruders with enzymes that can destroy it. Part of the B-cells will go back to the lymph nodes to build antibodies to fight invaders earlier. If an intruder is attacked again, the immune system is ready to defend themselves due to antibodies that had been built earlier.

Natural killer cells, or NK cells (natural killer) will destroy anything in its path. They spray-infected cells with toxins and destructive enzymes, which will destroy all the alien invaders or cells grow abnormally, such as cancer cells. When NK cells are from poor or inactive and no longer able to destroy cancer cells, due to free radicals and other factors, a person will get cancer. Strengthen NK cells is a good way for us to destroy cancer cells naturally (natural).

T-suppressor cells can be viewed as the peacekeepers came after foreign invaders were destroyed and to calm the immune response that is great to play with. It is an important factor in controlling the damage is not expected (collateral damage). If the immune response is not actively controlled, it will cause severe damage to normal tissue around it. If the T-suppressor cells and sleep can not control the response, we will get a disease categorized under autoimmune disease. There are more than 80 types of autoimmune diseases, such is type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis and lupus.

To enable the immune system to protect us as prescribed by the Creator (Al-Khaaliq), we need to take care of his health. It needs Vitamin E, Vitamin C, carotenoids, glutathione, coenzyme Q10, zinc and antioxidants to stay healthy and functioning at their best.

If you feel you do not need to take dietary supplements to stay healthy for life, think again. Please check the statistics of those who are dangerous diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. It gives us an indication that we need to do something about our dietary practices.