
Dropbox So 'Vehicle' Virus

Dropbox So 'Vehicle' Virus

Not just a place to store files 'in the cloud'. In the wrong hands, service Dropbox can also be translated to 'drive' to attack a system.

That sort of thing has been going on in Taiwan. Where a group of hacker even memakaiya to attack the local government system.

According to Maersk Menrige, Malware Analyst from Trend Micro, he had to wear Dropbox for malware mendia operated remotely. This meaning in the know for Remote Access Trojan (RAT).

First of all malware will record the hustle and bustle of the candidate as a sacrifice. Then the malware will find the port that will be used to attack.

Entirely on data from the malware will send as well as put in service Dropbox. Not only easier to attack, it can also obscure the action of infiltration.

"Using Dropbox can avoid the hustle and bustle of doubt on the network who does not light. As a result of this website is permitted to store files and documents, "said Menrige, as taken from The Register detikinet Monday (30/06/2014).

Problems like this is not the first time take place. Previously, researchers have been able to have named Jake Williams speaking in terms of susceptibility to Dropbox. But now Menrige see the attacker was able to optimize using the latest malware.

Malware called Menrige namely PlugX II. Malware is like a bomb seconds, can be activated at the time specified by the manufacturer. Combine evaluated using Dropbox service can cause the fatal attack.

PlugX II will first infiltrate to disable antivirus and strength of the forensic system, and hiding. From hacker to turn back. The malware can then also working with the office network do not fear the suspect.