Care tips gear box
When we buy a new car, all the equipment is new, including the gear box. And if we look, there is disclosed when millage car we reached 1,000 km, we need to send the car for the first service. The first service is the last check-up should be done on all cars by the car manufacturer. The first inspection on a service including oil change on all types of cars including gear box oil. Do not ignore the first service is due at this time for engine oil and gear box oil containing excess iron or iron dust in the engine will be removed to prevent the erosion of engine and gear box.
For those who buy secondhand car, what to do, change the gear box oil as soon as you buy the car and record the reading millage of your car. For auto, every 15,000 or 20,000 km, change your gear box oil. For the user, every 40,000 or 50,000 km oil change gear box. This is very important to ensure the gear box you always run smoothly and in a state of "normal operating temperature" of all time. However millage necessary to change the gear box oil depends on the car and the type of gear box
(follow the guidelines in the manual car). I recommend every two times change gear box oil, add a bit of gear treatment. Every time a car service, ask the mechanic to check the oil level once a gear box of your car. Make sure it is above the minimum level. DO NOT DRIVE GEAR OIL LEVEL IF LESS THAN MINIMUM LEVELS OF GEAR TEETH TO AVOID SUCH DAMAGES.
For a manual car, while driving never put your feet on the pedals clucth. In can shorten the life clucth plate tone and gear damage your car. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO 'SPIN WHEEL. Adjust the level clucth that is in the right conditions with long legs (ask mechanic). Do not force if not in gear but try to let handbrek ago
(especially deer). While at traffic lights, gear and pull naturalkan handbrek. Do not let the engine idle in Geared. Ask your mechanic to identify the maximum speed gearbox driving your car and do not exceed this maximum speed.
For auto car, make sure you understand the use of all gear levels of P, R, D, L, 2 and 3 For normal driving, use only D and when cut, use the "overdrive button". If you do not have a digger overdrive button (Hero 1.6 has the overdrive button and not on hero 1.3, 1.5, and deer), you have to accept the fact that your car can not be driven in's aggressive. Do not use the overdrive button at speeds exceeding 100 km / h as a function overdrive button is like our downshifting from fifth gear to fourth gear when cutting and keep on until we offkan 4th gear overdrive button. Imagine at speeds exceeding 100 km / h down our gear into 4th gear or 3 If we are not lucky, we may be able to collect all the gears and screws scattered on the road. Gears 2, 3 and L is for climbing when our car could not climb steep slopes. The gear is only for use in low speed
(depending on type of car).
For a semi-auto car, triptronik, steptronik. Gear box oil recommended by the manufacturer is very important. NEVER CHANGE OF OIL GEAR BOX EXCEPT TO GET ADVICE FROM PRODUCER. Gear shift from high to low speed must also be in accordance with the recommended by the manufacturer.
If there is a discharge or escape of oil or oil out of the gearbox, do not panic, your gear box is not damaged, it's likely just the gear box oil seal 'died'. Just check the gear box oil level more frequently and make sure it is always enough. Every time we change the clucth plate, change the oil seal, although it also does not leak because the life of the oil seal in the gearbox is usually equal to the life of the clucth plate.
Lastly, if you use auto cars made in Europe or non-Japanese, be sure not to disturb any wires connected to the gear box when upgraded sound system, alarm or any modifications. And try to 'pamper' and 'drive gently, because if the gear box is damaged, the average repair cost RM2000 and RM7000 to change the gear box (store cut) or RM12000 (recon and confirmed EON) (except V6 = RM 22000).
for auto cars, many do not understand the function of auto overdrive gearbox car ... hero / knight / saga capacity 1.5 or 1.3 dont overdrive button, because this gearbox only 3 gears only ade not including R and P, N and controlled by mechanical systems bergitu well with all types of Toyota cars
vary with knight / hero / son 1.6 and above. using a computer-controlled gearbox. a TCU (transmission computer unit). has 4 gears not including R and P and N. usually knights and heroes 1.6 has overdrive button. L aadalah gear gear 1, 2 is 2, and D is the automatic gear for 1,2,3 and 4 if you press the overdrive (OD) and the panel goes to show overdrive, this means that your car will run with gears 1,2 and 3 only. simply by pressing the back button overdrive, and panel meters do show light overdrive gear D will change gear automatically from 1,2,3 and 4.
The following is a compilation of gear for auto gearbox:
P - parking, used for you to stop your car. gear will be blocked. so your car will not move even if not pulled handbrake
R - reverse, to reverse your car
N - neutral, if in a position of waiting for the traffic light or traffic jam, switch to neutral gear. not parking! if you noticed, the gear D to N do not have to press a key on the gear knob
D - drive, auto gear change 1,2,3,4 and so on
overdrive button - will restrict gear to get into gear 4 gear will be used only 1,2 and 3 shj
3 - some vehicles do not have overdrive gears 3 but have arrangement for downshifting from 4th to 3rd
2 - This will restrict your gearbox system to gear 2 and will not go into the next gear. but will fall into gear 1 if necessary
L - Low gear, first gear
steptronik tiptronik gear or simply have PRND order and buttons can be pushed to the + and -. for certain types of steptronik like honda city, it has a control PRNDS where S is steptronik.
please use the original gear oil from car manufacturers only for the auto gearbox. although this batch of gear oil in the market leading brands may not fit your gearbox. manual gearbox are also advised to use the original oil unless you modify your gearbox
if damage occurs to your car, get it from the store before buying a new piece. typically protons 1st batch of steel 1.6, 1.6 and premiere hero had gearbox problems. and the cost of repair only rm 2000-4000 only if purchased at the store cut