Air Cond Car System
Car aircon system works using compressed gas by the compressor. This gas will flow through the cooling coil inside the car cabin and the blower will blow wind through a cooling coil and remove the cold wind. After the gas has to be cooled again and going through the radiator condenser which cools the gas. That is basically how the car aircon works.
There are many problems that typically arise as a result of damage to equipment aircon.
1 Wind aircon not cold or hot. This occurs because some damage. We recommend checking our aircon gas content with viewing window on the gas filter aircon.Kalau you see any bubbles, meaning there is still gas. So the damage was not due to leakage.
Put the aircon. Note the fan in front of the radiator condenser. If the fan is not moving. That fan is faulty and should be replaced. proposed to get the fan out of the store.
If the fan does not move, but the movement speed, the fan must also be changed. If the fan is moving fast and the aircon was not cool, let the aircon on and watch one of the pipes that deliver gas aircon.
If you can see the water spots start to appear then the flow of gas from the compressor to the cooling coil properly. Airon but still not cold, most likely, the valve that controls the entry of gas into the cooling coil clogged or damaged. To change the cooling coil valve is opened and the gas must be removed and proposed for aircon service once.
2 Aircon not cold enough. This usually happens to cars that are fully imported (CBU) or after the aircon in service. No real damage because the aircon temperature is controlled by a switch "on" and "off" our aircon automatically. Ask the mechanic to adjust the switch so that the aircon longer 'on'.
3 On the way out, after a while, aircon not cold. This happens because the switch that controls the 'on' and 'off' aircon not working well or injiap control gas into the cooling coil is damaged causing the entry of gas into the cooling coil and a cooling coil excessive frost or ice happen that block the flow gas out and cause some cooling coil is cold and the other hot.
If this happens, stop your car for a while (until no more ice in the pipe gas) and adjust the thermostat to a temperature of at least cold. In the event again, I mean, valves or switches your aircon needs to be changed.
4 Water dripping. This happens because as the "3" above.
5 Wind aircon stink. This happens because there are external wind into the wind channel system aircon Kerta you or your aircon was too old not diservice to cause all the dust and wet was moldy and smelly.
6 white smoke out white smoke is actually dirt and water vapor occurs. because the gas is too cold. Why go round in 'third'.
7 aircon wind funnel out greasy. If this is the case, does it mean you have a cooling coil leak and eventually will run out of gas and hot wind will aircon.
Based on experience, the proposed aircon in service every year and a half or two years and to travel far, do not adjust the thermostat on the temperature cooled, as this will damage the cooling coil valve. And for Malaysian car users, do not 'play' with your aircon thermostat because it is very sensitive. The cost to fix it is quite expensive.