5 "offense" on Facebook
Facebook allows us to communicate with others (including those we do not know or have never met). It is a bridge to build relationships and exchange ideas. Generally, the Facebook user experience is positive, however, be careful with some of the following "
1 Exposing too much personal information
If you reveal your full name, date of birth, telephone number and the name of the mother on Facebook, anyone can access your credit card information over the phone. Whatever you think of as "personal information" is no longer in your possession.
2 Showing own stupidity
Extreme conflict, do a "character assassination" or using bad language just shows the level and way of thinking of a person. People will argue shallow attack others - the focus is not on the "issues" but to an opinion. If you are dealing with people like this, ignore it.
3 Reveals Secret spouse (husband or wife)
Write something bad about a couple, will discredit. It also resulted in a husband or wife upset and aggravate the situation. If there is a problem, sit down and talk; not announce to the whole world through Facebook. Also, be careful with intimate pictures of husband and wife. Whatever you put in Facebook is a public property - even if you delete later.
4 Install the sand in a rice cooker
Writing dissatisfaction and expose weaknesses of the organization or the employer on Facebook. Almost all private organizations are faced with difficult challenges, especially in an uncertain economic environment. Aggravate you work only add difficulty to develop the company's management. If you think you are great, have great ideas and better management skills, it is best to quit the company and started his own business. I wish you luck!
5 Be cyberbullying
Tease, annoy and bully others. Often bullies using a pseudonym. Cyberbullying just enjoy bashing or beating anyone who did not agree with it. He was not interested in exchanging ideas and listening to others. He felt he was right alone - others are all wrong. And, he did not feel guilty for bullying anyone who disagrees with him. Delete or block cyber bullies. It does not bring any good to anyone.