Tips keep your labtop
Too hot can cause the laptop to show the behavior that caused some internal device unstable.
Follow the instructions below to avoid:
1 Compressed air: Even with a laptop in dusty conditions then there is dust circulating and causing cooling vents not working. This causes the fan to work harder so that will not be lost as efficiency.
The fan works at temperatures that are too high. To avoid this situation to buy one additional fan from a computer shop nearby and cost you only a few tens of dollars you spend hundreds of dollars when damaged.
2 Power Settings: When we are using a laptop with a charger, then we switch to the mode as "High Performance". This setting will use high power and will cause the laptop to be fast and too hot.
An easy way to this problem is to set the laptop penjimat..supaya mode it can balance the power. This will ensure that your laptop uses only the amount of power required by it.
When the laptop is used for Game then you need to set or change your laptop mode to "High Performance".
3 Surface: when we use the laptop quite comfortable when we put it on a pillow or blanket. This surface is actually a cover of your laptop that makes it too hot. Soft nature of the surface will prevent the heat to come out freely and with it will turn warm air in your labtop.
The best surface is that you need to keep the laptop flat place like a table. If you want to keep on a soft surface so you have to lay under the surface of a hard cover book. This will allow proper air flow and heat out of the system properly.
4 Powering Off Your Laptop: When you see that you may not be using the laptop then you must turn it off rather than idle life with standby mood. I'm not suggesting that you "hibernate" as this option will affect the RAM or memory.
5 Cooling Pad: Use a small amount of money for a laptop, then you can consider buying a laptop cooling pad for riba.anda can get a cooling pad for laptops and I believe it is worth every penny you spend.